Free Hebrew Font Windows 10
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Dp4 Font Viewer for Windows - a fast, small and installation free utility for showing all TTF fonts of a given folder, without installation. High quality display of all fonts by use of our own truetype render engine. Instant downloads for 27 free hebrew fonts. For you professionals, 9 are 100% free for commercial-use! Instant downloads for 27 free hebrew fonts. For you professionals, 9 are 100% free for commercial-use! Login or sign up for a free account. Browse Popular New.
Applies to: Windows 10
Visit Fonts2u and download free Hebrew fonts for Windows or Macintosh. How to Type Hebrew - Ancient Hebrew Research Center. Free Hebrew fonts - Download free Truetype Hebrew fonts for PC & Mac > Windows XP, Windows 7 or 8, Word. SBL Hebrew Font - Society of Biblical Literature. In Windows 10, the Segoe MDL2 Assets font has been added to provide newer iconography. An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Hebrew fonts free download - Easy Typing Hebrew Keyboard Fonts And Themes, Fonts Manager, Script and Calligraphy Fonts, and many more programs. View all Windows apps. Popular iOS Apps.
When you upgrade from the Windows 7, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1 operating system to Windows 10, certain fonts are no longer available by default post-upgrade. To reduce the operating system footprint, improve performance, and optimize disk space usage, we moved many of the fonts that were previously shipped with prior versions of Windows to the optional features of Windows 10. If you install a fresh instance of Windows 10, or upgrade an older version of Windows to Windows 10, these optional features are not enabled by default. As a result, these fonts appear to be missing from the system.
If you have documents created using the missing fonts, these documents might display differently on Windows 10.
For example, if you have an English (or French, German, or Spanish) version of Windows 10 installed, you might notice that fonts such as the following are appear to be missing:
- Gautami
- Meiryo
- Narkism/Batang
- BatangChe
- Dotum
- DotumChe
- Gulim
- GulimChe
- Gungsuh
- GungsuhChe
If you want to use these fonts, you can enable the optional feature to add these back to your system. Be aware that this is a permanent change in behavior for Windows 10, and it will remain this way in future releases.
Installing language-associated features via language settings:
If you want to use the fonts from the optional feature and you know that you will want to view Web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the language associated with that feature, add that language into your user profile. You do this the Settings app.
For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language:
- Click Start > Settings.
- In Settings, click Time & language, and then click Region & language.
- If Hebrew is not included in the list of languages, click the plus sign (+) to add a language.
- Find Hebrew, and then click it to add it to your language list.
Once you have added Hebrew to your language list, then the optional Hebrew font feature and other optional features for Hebrew language support are installed. This should only take a few minutes.
Note: The optional features are installed by Windows Update. This means you need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.
Install optional fonts manually without changing language settings:
If you want to use fonts in an optional feature but don't need to search web pages, edit documents, or use apps in the associated language, you can install the optional font features manually without changing your language settings.
For example, here are the steps to install the fonts associated with the Hebrew language without adding the Hebrew language itself to your language preferences:
Click Start > Settings.
In Settings, click Apps, click Apps & features, and then click Manage optional features.
If you don't see Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list of installed features, click the plus sign (+) to add a feature.
Select Hebrew Supplemental Fonts in the list, and then click Install.
Note: The optional features are installed by Windows Update. You need to be online for the Windows Update service to work.
Fonts included in optional font features
Here is a comprehensive list of the font families in each of the optional features. Some font families might include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.
- Arabic Script Supplemental Fonts: Aldhabi, Andalus, Arabic Typesetting, Microsoft Uighur, Sakkal Majalla, Simplified Arabic, Traditional Arabic, Urdu Typesetting
- Bangla Script Supplemental Fonts: Shonar Bangla, Vrinda
- Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplemental Fonts: Euphemia
- Cherokee Supplemental Fonts: Plantagenet Cherokee
- Chinese (Simplified) Supplemental Fonts: DengXian, FangSong, KaiTi, SimHei
- Chinese (Traditional) Supplemental Fonts: DFKai-SB, MingLiU, MingLiU_HKSCS, PMingLiU
- Devanagari Supplemental Fonts: Aparajita, Kokila, Mangal, Sanskrit Text, Utsaah
- Ethiopic Supplemental Fonts: Nyala
- Gujarati Supplemental Fonts: Shruti
- Gurmukhi Supplemental Fonts: Raavi
- Hebrew Supplemental Fonts: Aharoni Bold, David, FrankRuehl, Gisha, Levanim MT, Miriam, Miriam Fixed, Narkism, Rod
- Japanese Supplemental Fonts: Meiryo, Meiryo UI, MS Gothic, MS PGothic, MS UI Gothic, MS Mincho, MS PMincho, Yu Mincho
- Kannada Supplemental Fonts: Tunga
- Khmer Supplemental Fonts: DaunPenh, Khmer UI, MoolBoran
- Korean Supplemental Fonts: Batang, BatangChe, Dotum, DotumChe, Gulim, GulimChe, Gungsuh, GungsuhChe
- Lao Supplemental Fonts: DokChampa, Lao UI
- Malayalam Supplemental Fonts: Karthika
- Odia Supplemental Fonts: Kalinga
- Pan-European Supplemental Fonts: Arial Nova, Georgia Pro, Gill Sans Nova, Neue Haas Grotesk, Rockwell Nova, Verdana Pro
- Sinhala Supplemental Fonts: Iskoola Pota
- Syriac Supplemental Fonts: Estrangelo Edessa
- Tamil Supplemental Fonts: Latha, Vijaya
- Telugu Supplemental Fonts: Gautami, Vani
- Thai Supplemental Fonts: Angsana New, AngsanaUPC, Browallia New, BrowalliaUPC, Cordia New, CordiaUPC, DilleniaUPC, EucrosiaUPC, FreesiaUPC, IrisUPC, JasmineUPC, KodchiangUPC, Leelawadee, LilyUPC
Related Topics
An important development in Windows 10 is the Universal Windows Platform (UWP): a converged app platform allowing a developer to create a single app that can run on all Windows devices. Windows fonts are one aspect of this convergence: Windows 10 introduces a recommended UWP font set that is common across all editions that support UWP, including Desktop, Server, and Xbox.
A number of additional fonts are available for Desktop and Server, including all other fonts from previous releases. However, not all of these are pre-installed by default in all images. In order to make disk usage and font choices more relevant to users according to the languages that they use, a number of fonts have been moved into optional, on-demand packages. These packages are designed around the different scripts that fonts are primarily intended to support, and most are installed automatically by Windows Update when the associated languages are enabled in language settings (for example, by enabling a keyboard). Any of these Feature On Demand (FOD) packages can also be installed manually via Settings. To add font packages manually, Select the Start button, and then select Settings > Apps > Apps & features > Manage optional features.
The following is a list of desktop font sets that are present in the most updated of Windows 10.
Below you will also find list of fonts in each of the Feature On Demand (FOD) packages.
Please note: Not all of the Desktop fonts will be in non-desktop editions of Windows 10 such as Xbox, HoloLens, Surface Hub, etc.
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Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Arial | Arial | arial.ttf | 7.00 |
Arial Italic | ariali.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold | arialbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Bold Italic | arialbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Arial Black | Arial Black | ariblk.ttf | 5.23 |
Bahnschrift | Bahnschrift * | Bahnschrift.ttf | 2.01 |
Calibri | Calibri Light | calibril.ttf | 6.22 |
Calibri Light Italic | calibrili.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri | calibri.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Italic | calibrii.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold | calibrib.ttf | 6.22 | |
Calibri Bold Italic | calibriz.ttf | 6.22 | |
Cambria | Cambria | cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Cambria Italic | Cambriai.TTF | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold | Cambriab.TTF | 6.98 | |
Cambria Bold Italic | Cambriaz.TTF | 6.98 | |
Cambria Math | Cambria Math | cambria.ttc | 6.99 |
Candara | Candara Light | Candaral.ttf | 5.63 |
Candara Light Italic | Candarali.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara | Candara.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Italic | Candarai.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold | Candarab.ttf | 5.62 | |
Candara Bold Italic | Candaraz.ttf | 5.62 | |
Comic Sans MS | Comic Sans MS | comic.ttf | 5.14 |
Comic Sans MS Italic | comici.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold | comicbd.ttf | 5.14 | |
Comic Sans MS Bold Italic | comicz.ttf | 5.14 | |
Consolas | Consolas | Consola.ttf | 7.00 |
Consolas Italic | Consolai.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold | Consolab.ttf | 7.00 | |
Consolas Bold Italic | Consolaz.ttf | 7.00 | |
Constantia | Constantia | Constan.TTF | 5.93 |
Constantia Italic | Constani.TTF | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold | Constanb.TTF | 5.93 | |
Constantia Bold Italic | Constanz.TTF | 5.93 | |
Corbel | Corbel Light | Corbell.ttf | 5.90 |
Corbel Light Italic | Corbelli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel | Corbel.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Italic | Corbeli.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold | Corbelb.ttf | 5.90 | |
Corbel Bold Italic | Corbelz.ttf | 5.90 | |
Courier New | Courier New | cour.ttf | 6.92 |
Courier New Italic | couri.ttf | 6.91 | |
Courier New Bold | courbd.ttf | 6.92 | |
Courier New Bold Italic | courbi.ttf | 6.91 | |
Ebrima | Ebrima | ebrima.ttf | 5.12 |
Ebrima Bold | ebrimabd.ttf | 5.12 | |
Franklin Gothic Medium | Franklin Gothic Medium | framd.TTF | 5.02 |
Franklin Gothic Medium Italic | framdit.TTF | 5.01 | |
Gabriola | Gabriola | Gabriola.ttf | 5.93 |
Gadugi | Gadugi | gadugi.ttf | 1.12 |
Gadugi Bold | gadugib.ttf | 1.12 | |
Georgia | Georgia | georgia.ttf | 5.59 |
Georgia Italic | georgiai.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold | georgiab.ttf | 5.59 | |
Georgia Bold Italic | georgiaz.ttf | 5.59 | |
Impact | Impact | impact.ttf | 5.11 |
Ink Free | Ink Free * | Inkfree.ttf | 1.00 |
Javanese Text | Javanese Text | javatext.ttf | 1.09 |
Lucida Console | Lucida Console | lucon.ttf | 5.01 |
Lucida Sans Unicode | Lucida Sans Unicode | l_10646.ttf | 5.01 |
Malgun Gothic | Malgun Gothic | malgun.ttf | 6.68 |
Malgun Gothic Bold | malgunbd.ttf | 6.68 | |
Malgun Gothic Semilight | malgunsl.ttf | 6.68 | |
Marlett | Marlett | marlett.ttf | 5.01 |
Microsoft Himalaya | Microsoft Himalaya | himalaya.ttf | 5.23 |
Microsoft JhengHei | Microsoft JhengHei Light | msjhl.ttc | 6.14 |
Microsoft JhengHei | msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Light | msjhl.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI | msjh.ttc | 6.14 | |
Microsoft JhengHei UI Bold | MSJHBD.ttc | 6.13 | |
Microsoft New Tai Lue | Microsoft New Tai Lue | ntailu.ttf | 5.99 |
Microsoft New Tai Lue Bold | ntailub.ttf | 5.99 | |
Microsoft PhagsPa | Microsoft PhagsPa | phagspa.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft PhagsPa Bold | PhagsPaB.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft Sans Serif | Microsoft Sans Serif | micross.ttf | 7.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le | Microsoft Tai Le | taile.ttf | 6.00 |
Microsoft Tai Le Bold | TaiLeb.ttf | 6.00 | |
Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei Light | msyhl.ttc | 6.23 |
Microsoft YaHei | msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei Bold | msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Light | msyhl.ttc | 6.23 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI | msyh.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft YaHei UI Bold | msyhbd.ttc | 6.25 | |
Microsoft Yi Baiti | Microsoft Yi Baiti | msyi.ttf | 6.00 |
Mongolian Baiti | Mongolian Baiti | monbaiti.ttf | 5.53 |
MV Boli | MV Boli | mvboli.ttf | 6.84 |
Myanmar Text | Myanmar Text | mmrtext.ttf | 1.18 |
Myanmar Text Bold | mmrtextb.ttf | 1.18 | |
Nirmala UI | Nirmala UI Semilight | nirmalas.ttf | 1.37 |
Nirmala UI | nirmala.ttf | 1.37 | |
Nirmala UI Bold | nirmalab.ttf | 1.37 | |
Palatino Linotype | Palatino Linotype | pala.ttf | 5.03 |
Palatino Linotype Italic | palai.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold | palab.ttf | 5.03 | |
Palatino Linotype Bold Italic | palabi.ttf | 5.03 | |
Segoe MDL2 Assets | Segoe MDL2 Assets * | segmdl2.ttf | 1.68 |
Segoe Print | Segoe Print | segoepr.ttf | 5.04 |
Segoe Print Bold | segoeprb.ttf | 5.04 | |
Segoe Script | Segoe Script | segoesc.ttf | 5.02 |
Segoe Script Bold | segoescb.ttf | 5.02 | |
Segoe UI | Segoe UI Light | segoeuil.ttf | 5.60 |
Segoe UI Light Italic | seguili.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semilight | segoeuisl.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semilight Italic | seguisli.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI | segoeui.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Italic | segoeuii.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Semibold | seguisb.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Semibold Italic | seguisbi.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Bold | segoeuib.ttf | 5.60 | |
Segoe UI Bold Italic | segoeuiz.ttf | 5.30 | |
Segoe UI Black | seguibl.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Black Italic | seguibli.ttf | 2.01 | |
Segoe UI Historic | Segoe UI Historic | seguihis.ttf | 1.03 |
Segoe UI Emoji | Segoe UI Emoji | seguiemj.ttf | 1.27 |
Segoe UI Symbol | Segoe UI Symbol | seguisym.ttf | 6.23 |
SimSun | SimSun | simsun.ttc | 5.16 |
NSimSun | simsun.ttc | 5.16 | |
SimSun-ExtB | SimSun-ExtB | simsunb.ttf | 5.03 |
Sitka | Sitka Small | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 |
Sitka Small Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Small Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Text Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Subheading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Heading Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Display Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner | Sitka.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Italic | SitkaI.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold | SitkaB.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sitka Banner Bold Italic | SitkaZ.ttc | 1.12 | |
Sylfaen | Sylfaen | sylfaen.ttf | 5.06 |
Symbol | Symbol | symbol.ttf | 5.01 |
Tahoma | Tahoma | tahoma.ttf | 7.00 |
Tahoma Bold | tahomabd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman | Times New Roman | times.ttf | 7.00 |
Times New Roman Italic | timesi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold | timesbd.ttf | 7.00 | |
Times New Roman Bold Italic | timesbi.ttf | 7.00 | |
Trebuchet MS | Trebuchet MS | trebuc.ttf | 5.15 |
Trebuchet MS Italic | trebucit.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold | trebucbd.ttf | 5.15 | |
Trebuchet MS Bold Italic | trebucbi.ttf | 5.15 | |
Verdana | Verdana | verdana.ttf | 5.33 |
Verdana Italic | verdanai.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold | verdanab.ttf | 5.33 | |
Verdana Bold Italic | verdanaz.ttf | 5.33 | |
Webdings | Webdings | webdings.ttf | 5.01 |
Wingdings | Wingdings | wingding.ttf | 5.01 |
Yu Gothic | Yu Gothic Light | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 |
Yu Gothic Regular | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Medium * | yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic Bold | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Light * | YuGothL.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semilight * | YuGothR.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Regular * | yugothm.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Semibold * | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 | |
Yu Gothic UI Bold * | YuGothB.ttc | 1.90 |
Fonts included in Feature On Demand (FOD) packages
Here's a comprehensive listing of which font families are included with each of the optional font features. Some font families may include multiple fonts for different weights and styles.
Arabic Script Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Arabic script; e.g., Arabic, Persian, Urdu.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aldhabi | Aldhabi | Aldhabi.ttf | 6.84 |
Andalus | Andalus | andlso.ttf | 6.84 |
Arabic Typesetting | Arabic Typesetting | Arabtype.ttf | 6.84 |
Microsoft Uighur | Microsoft Uighur | msuighur.TTF | 7.00 |
Microsoft Uighur Bold | MSUighub.ttf | 7.00 | |
Sakkal Majalla | Sakkal Majalla | majalla.ttf | 6.86 |
Sakkal Majalla Bold | majallab.ttf | 6.86 | |
Simplified Arabic | Simplified Arabic | simpo.ttf | 6.98 |
Simplified Arabic Bold | simpbdo.ttf | 6.98 | |
Simplified Arabic Fixed | simpfxo.ttf | 6.84 | |
Traditional Arabic | Traditional Arabic | trado.ttf | 6.84 |
Traditional Arabic Bold | tradbdo.ttf | 6.84 | |
Urdu Typesetting | Urdu Typesetting | UrdType.ttf | 6.86 |
Urdu Typesetting Bold | UrdTypeb.ttf | 6.86 |
Bangla Script Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Bangla script; e.g., Assamese, Bangla.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Shonar Bangla | Shonar Bangla | Shonar.ttf | 6.90 |
Shonar Bangla Bold | Shonarb.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vrinda | Vrinda | Vrinda.TTF | 6.90 |
Vrinda Bold | Vrindab.TTF | 6.90 |
Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Canadian Syllabics script; e.g., Inuktitut.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Euphemia | Euphemia | euphemia.ttf | 5.08 |
Cherokee Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Plantagenet Cherokee | Plantagenet Cherokee | plantc.ttf | 5.09 |
Devanagari Supplemental Fonts
Language using Devanagari script; e.g., Hindi, Konkani, Marathi.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aparajita | Aparajita | Aparaj.TTF | 6.90 |
Aparajita Italic | Aparaji.TTF | 6.90 | |
Aparajita Bold | Aparajb.TTF | 6.90 | |
Aparajita Bold Italic | Aparajbi.TTF | 6.90 | |
Kokila | Kokila | Kokila.TTF | 6.90 |
Kokila Italic | Kokilai.TTF | 6.90 | |
Kokila Bold | Kokilab.TTF | 6.90 | |
Kokila Bold Italic | Kokilabi.TTF | 6.90 | |
Mangal | Mangal | mangal.ttf | 6.90 |
Mangal Bold | MangalB.ttf | 6.90 | |
Sanskrit Text | Sanskrit Text * | Sanskr.ttf | 1.00 |
Utsaah | Utsaah | Utsaah.TTF | 6.90 |
Utsaah Italic | Utsaahi.TTF | 6.90 | |
Utsaah Bold | Utsaahb.TTF | 6.90 | |
Utsaah Bold Italic | Utsaahbi.TTF | 6.90 |
Ethiopic Supplemental Fonts
Languages using Ethiopic script; e.g., Amharic, Tigrinya.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Nyala | Nyala | nyala.ttf | 5.04 |
Gujarati Supplemental Fonts
Gujarati; any other language using Gujurati script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Shruti | Shruti | Shruti.TTF | 6.90 |
Shruti Bold | Shrutib.TTF | 6.90 |
Free Hebrew Font Windows 10 7
Gurmukhi Supplemental Fonts
Panjabi; any other language using Gurmukhi script
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Raavi | Raavi | Raavi.TTF | 6.90 |
Raavi Bold | Raavib.TTF | 6.90 |
Chinese (Simplified) Supplemental Fonts
Simplified Chinese
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DengXian | DengXian Light * | dengl.ttf | 1.17 |
DengXian Bold * | dengb.ttf | 1.17 | |
FangSong | FangSong | simfang.ttf | 5.01 |
KaiTi | KaiTi | simkai.ttf | 5.01 |
SimHei | SimHei | simhei.ttf | 5.03 |
Chinese (Traditional) Supplemental Fonts
Traditional Chinese
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DFKai-SB | DFKai-SB | kaiu.ttf | 5.01 |
MingLiU | MingLiU | mingliu.ttc | 7.03 |
MingLiU_HKSCS | mingliu.ttc | 7.03 | |
PMingLiU | mingliu.ttc | 7.03 | |
MingLiU-ExtB | MingLiU-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.02 |
MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.02 | |
PMingLiU-ExtB | mingliub.ttc | 7.02 |
Hebrew Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Aharoni Bold | Aharoni Bold | ahronbd.ttf | 6.01 |
David | David | david.ttf | 6.01 |
David Bold | davidbd.ttf | 6.01 | |
FrankRuehl | FrankRuehl | frank.ttf | 6.01 |
Gisha | Gisha | gisha.ttf | 6.01 |
Gisha Bold | gishabd.ttf | 6.01 | |
Levenim MT | Levenim MT | lvnm.ttf | 6.01 |
Levenim MT Bold | lvnmbd.ttf | 6.01 | |
Miriam | Miriam | mriam.ttf | 6.01 |
Miriam Fixed | mriamc.ttf | 6.01 | |
Narkisim | Narkisim | nrkis.ttf | 6.01 |
Rod | Rod | rod.ttf | 6.01 |
Japanese Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
BIZ UDGothic | BIZ UDGothic | BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc | 2.00 |
BIZ UDGothic Bold | BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDPGothic | BIZ-UDGothicR.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDPGothic Bold | BIZ-UDGothicB.ttc | 2.00 | |
BIZ UDMincho Medium | BIZ UDMincho Medium | BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc | 2.00 |
BIZ UDPMincho Medium | BIZ-UDMinchoM.ttc | 2.00 | |
Meiryo | Meiryo | meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo Italic | meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold | meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo Bold Italic | meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI | Meiryo UI | meiryo.ttc | 6.30 |
Meiryo UI Italic | meiryo.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold | meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
Meiryo UI Bold Italic | meiryob.ttc | 6.30 | |
MS Gothic | MS Gothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PGothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS UI Gothic | msgothic.ttc | 5.30 | |
MS Mincho | MS Mincho | msmincho.ttc | 5.30 |
MS PMincho | msmincho.ttc | 5.30 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho | UD Digi Kyokasho N-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NK-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-B * | UDDigiKyokashoN-B.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho NP-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
UD Digi Kyokasho N-R * | UDDigiKyokashoN-R.ttc | 2.00 | |
Yu Mincho | Yu Mincho Light | yuminl.ttf | 1.90 |
Yu Mincho Regular | yumin.ttf | 1.90 | |
Yu Mincho Demibold | yumindb.ttf | 1.90 |
Kannada Supplemental Fonts
Kannada; any other language using Kannada script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Tunga | Tunga | Tunga.TTF | 6.90 |
Tunga Bold | Tungab.TTF | 6.90 |
Khmer Supplemental Fonts
Cambodian; any other language using Khmer script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DaunPenh | DaunPenh | daunpenh.ttf | 5.05 |
Khmer UI | Khmer UI | KhmerUI.ttf | 5.05 |
Khmer UI Bold | KhmerUIB.ttf | 5.05 | |
MoolBoran | MoolBoran | moolbor.ttf | 5.05 |
Korean Supplemental Fonts
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Batang | Batang | batang.ttc | 5.02 |
BatangChe | batang.ttc | 5.02 | |
Dotum | Dotum | gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
DotumChe | gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gulim | Gulim | gulim.ttc | 5.03 |
GulimChe | gulim.ttc | 5.03 | |
Gungsuh | Gungsuh | batang.ttc | 5.02 |
GungsuhChe | batang.ttc | 5.02 |
Lao Supplemental Fonts
Lao; any other language using Lao script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
DokChampa | DokChampa | dokchamp.ttf | 5.06 |
Lao UI | Lao UI | laoui.ttf | 5.06 |
Lao UI Bold | laouib.ttf | 5.06 |
Malayalam Supplemental Fonts
Malayalam; any other language using Malayalam script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Kartika | Kartika | Kartika.TTF | 6.90 |
Kartika Bold | Kartikab.TTF | 6.90 |
Odia Supplemental Fonts
Odia; any other language using Odia script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Kalinga | Kalinga | kalinga.ttf | 6.90 |
Kalinga Bold | kalingab.ttf | 6.90 |
* Pan-European Supplemental Fonts
No automatic language associations.
Free Jewish Font
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Arial Nova | Arial Nova Light | ArialNova-Light.ttf | 1.05 |
Arial Nova Light Italic | ArialNova-LightItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova | ArialNova.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Italic | ArialNova-Italic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Bold | ArialNova-Bold.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Bold Italic | ArialNova-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Light | ArialNovaCond-Light.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Light Italic | ArialNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond | ArialNovaCond.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Italic | ArialNovaCond-Italic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Bold | ArialNovaCond-Bold.ttf | 1.05 | |
Arial Nova Cond Bold Italic | ArialNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.05 | |
Georgia Pro | Georgia Pro Light | GeorgiaPro-Light.ttf | 6.14 |
Georgia Pro Light Italic | GeorgiaPro-LightItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro | GeorgiaPro-Regular.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Italic | GeorgiaPro-Italic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Semibold | GeorgiaPro-SemiBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Semibold Italic | GeorgiaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Bold | GeorgiaPro-Bold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Bold Italic | GeorgiaPro-BoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Black | GeorgiaPro-Black.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Black Italic | GeorgiaPro-BlackItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Light | GeorgiaPro-CondLight.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Light Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond | GeorgiaPro-CondRegular.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold | GeorgiaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Semibold Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Bold | GeorgiaPro-CondBold.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Bold Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Black | GeorgiaPro-CondBlack.ttf | 6.14 | |
Georgia Pro Cond Black Italic | GeorgiaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf | 6.14 | |
Gill Sans Nova | Gill Sans Nova Light | GillSansLightNova.ttf | 1.02 |
Gill Sans Nova Light Italic | GillSansLightItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova | GillSansNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Italic | GillSansItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Bold | GillSansBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Bold Italic | GillSansBoItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Ultra Bold | GillSansUltraBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt | GillSansCondLightNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Lt Italic | GillSansCondLightItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond | GillSansCondNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Italic | GillSansCondItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold | GillSansCondBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Bold Italic | GillSansCondBoItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd | GillSansCondExtraNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond XBd Italic | GillSansCondExtraItNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Gill Sans Nova Cond Ultra Bold | GillSansCondUltraBoNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro | NHaasGroteskTXPro-55Rg.ttf | 1.05 |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-56It.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium | NHaasGroteskTXPro-65Md.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Medium Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-66MdIt.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold | NHaasGroteskTXPro-75Bd.ttf | 1.05 | |
Neue Haas Grotesk Text Pro Bold Italic | NHaasGroteskTXPro-76BdIt.ttf | 1.05 | |
Rockwell Nova | Rockwell Nova Light | RockwellNova-Light.ttf | 1.02 |
Rockwell Nova Light Italic | RockwellNova-LightItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova | RockwellNova.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Italic | RockwellNova-Italic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Bold | RockwellNova-Bold.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Bold Italic | RockwellNova-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond | Rockwell Nova Cond Light | RockwellNovaCond-Light.ttf | 1.02 |
Rockwell Nova Cond Light Italic | RockwellNovaCond-LightItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond | RockwellNovaCond.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Italic | RockwellNovaCond-Italic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold | RockwellNovaCond-Bold.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Cond Bold Italic | RockwellNovaCond-BoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold | Rockwell Nova Extra Bold | RockwellNova-ExtraBold.ttf | 1.02 |
Rockwell Nova Extra Bold Italic | RockwellNova-ExtraBoldItalic.ttf | 1.02 | |
Verdana Pro | Verdana Pro Light | VerdanaPro-Light.ttf | 6.13 |
Verdana Pro Light Italic | VerdanaPro-LightItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro | VerdanaPro-Regular.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Italic | VerdanaPro-Italic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro SemiBold | VerdanaPro-SemiBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro SemiBold Italic | VerdanaPro-SemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Bold | VerdanaPro-Bold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Bold Italic | VerdanaPro-BoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Black | VerdanaPro-Black.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Black Italic | VerdanaPro-BlackItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Light | VerdanaPro-CondLight.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Light Italic | VerdanaPro-CondLightItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond | VerdanaPro-CondRegular.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Italic | VerdanaPro-CondItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBold | VerdanaPro-CondSemiBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond SemiBold Italic | VerdanaPro-CondSemiBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Bold | VerdanaPro-CondBold.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Bold Italic | VerdanaPro-CondBoldItalic.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Black | VerdanaPro-CondBlack.ttf | 6.13 | |
Verdana Pro Cond Black Italic | VerdanaPro-CondBlackItalic.ttf | 6.13 |
Sinhala Supplemental Fonts
Sinhala; any other language using Sinhala script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Iskoola Pota | Iskoola Pota | iskpota.ttf | 6.96 |
Iskoola Pota Bold | iskpotab.ttf | 6.96 |
Syriac Supplemental Fonts
Hebrew Fonts For Windows 10
Languages using Syriac script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Estrangelo Edessa | Estrangelo Edessa | estre.TTF | 6.84 |
Free Hebrew Font Mac
Tamil Supplemental Fonts
Tamil; any other language using Tamil script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Latha | Latha | latha.ttf | 6.90 |
Latha Bold | Lathab.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vijaya | Vijaya | Vijaya.TTF | 6.90 |
Vijaya Bold | Vijayab.TTF | 6.90 |
Telugu Supplemental Fonts
Telugu; any other language using Telugu script.
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Gautami | Gautami | Gautami.TTF | 6.90 |
Gautami Bold | Gautamib.ttf | 6.90 | |
Vani | Vani | Vani.ttf | 6.90 |
Vani Bold | Vanib.ttf | 6.90 |
Thai Supplemental Fonts
Thai; any other language using Thai script.
Free Hebrew Font Windows 10 1
Family | Font Name | File Name | Version |
Angsana New | Angsana New | angsana.ttc | 5.05 |
Angsana New Italic | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Angsana New Bold | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Angsana New Bold Italic | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC | AngsanaUPC | angsana.ttc | 5.05 |
AngsanaUPC Italic | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
AngsanaUPC Bold Italic | angsana.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New | Browallia New | browalia.ttc | 5.05 |
Browallia New Italic | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New Bold | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Browallia New Bold Italic | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC | BrowalliaUPC | browalia.ttc | 5.05 |
BrowalliaUPC Italic | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
BrowalliaUPC Bold Italic | browalia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New | Cordia New | cordia.ttc | 5.05 |
Cordia New Italic | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New Bold | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
Cordia New Bold Italic | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC | CordiaUPC | cordia.ttc | 5.05 |
CordiaUPC Italic | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC Bold | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
CordiaUPC Bold Italic | cordia.ttc | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC | DilleniaUPC | upcdl.ttf | 5.05 |
DilleniaUPC Italic | upcdi.ttf | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold | upcdb.ttf | 5.05 | |
DilleniaUPC Bold Italic | upcdbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC | EucrosiaUPC | upcel.ttf | 5.05 |
EucrosiaUPC Italic | upcei.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold | upceb.ttf | 5.05 | |
EucrosiaUPC Bold Italic | upcebi.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC | FreesiaUPC | upcfl.ttf | 5.05 |
FreesiaUPC Italic | upcfi.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold | upcfb.ttf | 5.05 | |
FreesiaUPC Bold Italic | upcfbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC | IrisUPC | upcil.ttf | 5.05 |
IrisUPC Italic | upcii.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC Bold | upcib.ttf | 5.05 | |
IrisUPC Bold Italic | upcibi.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC | JasmineUPC | upcjl.ttf | 5.05 |
JasmineUPC Italic | upcji.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC Bold | upcjb.ttf | 5.05 | |
JasmineUPC Bold Italic | upcjbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC | KodchiangUPC | upckl.ttf | 5.05 |
KodchiangUPC Italic | upcki.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold | upckb.ttf | 5.05 | |
KodchiangUPC Bold Italic | upckbi.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee | Leelawadee | leelawad.ttf | 5.06 |
Leelawadee Bold | leelawdb.ttf | 5.06 | |
Leelawadee UI | Leelawadee UI | leelawui.ttf | 5.05 |
Leelawadee UI Semilight | leeluisl.ttf | 5.05 | |
Leelawadee UI Bold | leelauib.ttf | 5.05 | |
LilyUPC | LilyUPC | upcll.ttf | 5.05 |
LilyUPC Italic | upcli.ttf | 5.05 | |
LilyUPC Bold | upclb.ttf | 5.05 | |
LilyUPC Bold Italic | upclbi.ttf | 5.05 |
Download Free Hebrew Font Languages
* Added in Windows 10.