Entrepreneurship Training Manual Pptv

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  1. Entrepreneurship Training Manual For Youth
  2. Entrepreneurship Training Manual Pdf
  3. Entrepreneurship Training Manual

Entrepreneurship Training Manual For Youth

Entrepreneurship Training Manual Pptv
  • Duration:2h 20m 28s
  • Skill Level:Beginner
  • Released:September 11, 2014
  • Viewers:102,699

B USINESS TRAINING MANU AL A pr actical guide for tr aining micr o entr epr eneur s B y E m il Tin / LO R IK A Fo undation. R evision 1.0.1 O cto ber 2 0 07. T his m anual is pu blished under the C reative C o m mon s A ttribution -N onc o m me rcial-Share A like 2.5 license, as d etailed o n h ttp://creativeco m mon s.o rg/licenses/by-nc. Entrepreneurship Development Training Manual 6 knowledge and skills to the participants by means of interactive exercises. In this context, the manual serves both as a resource for entrepreneurial information and a reference guide. Entrepreneurship Development Training Manual 2 Foreword and acknowledgement DSW (Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevoelkerung) is an international development and advocacy organisation founded in 1991 as a non-profit foundation in Hannover, Germany. Its work centres on development programmes, advocacy, and awareness-raising with a focus on. Managing Small Business Associations Trainers’ Manual ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The work on this manual spans over a large number of years and involves a sizeable group of persons. It is the fruit of a collective effort. The InFocus Programme Boosting Employment through Small Enterprise Development (IFP/SEED) incorporated earlier ILO work, started. FARMERS TRAINING ENTREPRENEURSHIP MANUAL Francis Luyayi, Esther Karanja, Elijah Ngocho, Judith Oduol, Jonathan Muriuki and Jeremias Mowo. The entrepreneurship training presented in this manual is aimed at building the. The development of this training manual is based on our experience and the extensive. TraININg maNual by Gautam Jain Training Consultant Prepared for: World Bank & NDDRC. Entrepreneurship, Financial Literacy & Coopera-tives Training of Trainers (TOT) for Information. Tivators, and advisers in entrepreneurship, cooperatives, and financial literacy. This Handbook for Trainers can also be used for reference in curriculum.


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  • Course details

    Have you always wanted to run your own business but not known where to start? Or perhaps you've already begun and need a healthy dose of inspiration? In this course, Wall Street analyst, venture capital firm founder, and entrepreneur Whitney Johnson helps you discover the joys of owning and running your own business. Take a look at how to vet your idea, find your customers, launch lean, grow and scale, and look for funding to expand.

    Skills covered in this course

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  • Welcome

    (upbeat music) - Nearly everyday, I meet someone who wants to start a business, or who has already started a business, but isn't sure what to do next. These individuals dream of doing something grand. They dream of becoming successful entrepreneurs. I'm here today to help you realize this dream. My name is Whitney Johnson. I've been in the trenches as an investor and entrepreneur for over 20 years. I want to share with you what I have learned about starting and building a business. From finding your big idea to picking co-founders to marketing, to scaling and funding your business. This course is about providing you with the fundamentals of entrepreneurship. Let's get started.

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Course Contents

Nordic Innovation provides support for projects and programs to stimulate innovation and works to improve framework conditions for Nordic markets and exports. You may apply for funding through instruments such as calls for proposals or tenders as we offer them. Nordic Innovation funding opportunities are linked to our various programs. Nordic Innovation prioritizes activities that contribute to the following criteria.

Nordic added value and additionality

Nordic Innovation’s activities are to promote cooperation between stakeholders in multiple Nordic countries.
Cooperation across national borders creates new synergies and leads to greater benefits than each country can obtain individually.
Nordic Innovation seeks activities which encourage results that would not otherwise be possible.

Small and medium-sized companies

Nordic Innovation’s activities are specially targeted towards SMBs.

External co-funding

Funding activities by Nordic Innovation are required to have external co-funding as well. Co-funding may come from the participating companies, from clusters or from national organizations.

Wider understanding of Nordic impacts

Nordic Innovation gives priority to activities that promote a wider understanding of the positive impacts of Nordic cooperation.

Entrepreneurship Training Manual Pdf

Self-financing after project period

Entrepreneurship Training Manual

All activities are to be self-financed after the project period has been completed.